Guangning Yu's Blog

What is Bitcoin

2017-12-12 23:04:19

Regression using Keras

2019-02-17 01:40:32  |  DeepLearning Keras
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. import urllib2
  3. import numpy as np
  4. from keras.models import Sequential
  5. from keras.layers import Dense
  6. from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
  7. from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
  8. from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
  9. from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
  10. from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
  11. def load_data():
  12. X = []
  13. Y = []
  14. data_url = ''
  15. for line in urllib2.urlopen(data_url).readlines():
  16. line = map(float, line.split())
  17. X.append(line[0:13])
  18. Y.append(line[13])
  19. return X, Y
  20. def basic_model():
  21. # create model
  22. model = Sequential()
  23. model.add(Dense(13, input_dim=13, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
  24. model.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal'))
  25. # compile model
  26. model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
  27. return model
  28. d


2017-03-04 12:05:54

逾期天数(days past due, DPD)





依bucket可分为前期(front end)、中期(middle range)、后期(hot core)、转呆账(write-off)。


即期指标 = 当期各bucket延滞金额 / 当期应收账款


enter image description here


递延指标 = 当期各bucket延滞金额 / 各bucket对应的历史月份应收帐款


enter image description here

期末结算(cycle end)


月底结算(month end)



Neural Network

2019-02-17 01:40:32  |  MachineLearning

Hive Basics

2019-02-17 01:40:29  |  Hive
  • Date functions
  1. -- change date format
  2. from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('20150101' ,'yyyyMMdd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
  3. -- add n days
  4. date_add('2015-11-01', 30) -- will return '2015-12-01'
  5. -- calculate date difference
  6. datediff('2015-12-01', '2015-11-01') -- will return 30
  • Generate row number
  1. row_number() over (DISTRIBUTE BY... SORT BY... DESC)
  • Get partition information
  1. analyze table xxx.yyy partition(dt = '2015-12-11') compute statistics;
  2. describe formated xxx.yyy partition (dt = '2015-12-11');

Calculate the similarity of two vectors

2019-02-17 01:40:32  |  MachineLearning

Euclidean distance

  1. from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
  2. euclidean_distances([[1,2,3], [100,200,300]])
  3. # return:
  4. # array([[ 0. , 370.42408129],
  5. # [370.42408129, 0. ]])

Cosine similarity

  1. from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
  2. cosine_similarity([[1,2,3],[100,200,300]])
  3. # return:
  4. # array([[1., 1.],
  5. # [1., 1.]])

Pearson correlation

  1. from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
  2. pearsonr([1,2,3], [100,200,300])
  3. # return ('1.0', 0.0) // (Pearson’s correlation coefficient, 2-tailed p-value)

Cosine Similarity and Pearson Correlation Coefficient

2019-02-17 01:40:32  |  MachineLearning

Setup Shadowsocks on Ubuntu server

2015-03-02 13:35:55


  1. apt-get install python-pip
  2. pip install shadowsocks


Create config file /etc/shadowsocks.json:

  1. {
  2. "server":"your_ip_address",
  3. "server_port":8388,
  4. "local_address": "",
  5. "local_port":1080,
  6. "password":"your_password",
  7. "timeout":300,
  8. "method":"aes-256-cfb",
  9. "fast_open": false
  10. }

You can set multiple ports in the config file:

  1. {
  2. "server": "your_ip_address",
  3. "local_address": "",
  4. "local_port": "1080",
  5. "port_password": {
  6. "8381": "password_1",
  7. "8388": "password_2"
  8. },
  9. "timeout": 300,
  10. "method": "aes-256-cfb"
  11. }


  1. ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json
  2. # run at background
  3. ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start
  4. ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d stop

Start on boot

Edit /etc/rc.local:

  1. /usr/local/bin/ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start
  2. exit 0

Logistic Regression

2019-02-17 01:40:32  |  MachineLearning

enter image description here
enter image description here

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. import urllib2
  4. from numpy import mat, ones, shape, exp, array, arange
  5. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  6. def createDataSet():
  7. features = []
  8. labels = []
  9. lines = urllib2.urlopen('').readlines()
  10. for line in lines:
  11. line = line.strip().split()
  12. features.append([1.0, float(line[0]), float(line[1])]) # set x0 to 1.0
  13. labels.append(int(line[2]))
  14. return features, labels
  15. def sigmoid(value):
  16. return 1.0 / (1 + exp(-value))
  17. def gradAscent(features, labels, alpha=0.001, iterations=500):
  18. '''
  19. 梯度上升算法:
  20. - 批处理算法:每次更新回归系数时都需要遍历整个数据集
  21. '''
  22. featureMatrix = mat(features)
  23. labelMatrix = mat(labels).transpose()
  24. m, n = shape(featureMatrix)
  25. weights = ones((n, 1))
  26. for k in range(iterations):
  27. h = sigmoid(featureMatrix*weights)
  28. error = (labelMatrix - h)
  29. weig

Collaborative Filtering

2019-02-17 01:40:32  |  MachineLearning

user-based collaborative filtering

  1. for each user, find similar users by calculating similarity of the ratings (e.g. euclidean distance, pearson similarity)
  2. for each item of the seleted users, calculate the weighted rating according to each user's similarity
  3. select top n new items for this user

item-based collaborative filtering

  1. for each item, calculate similarity of each other item
  2. select top rating items of this user
  3. for each selected item, find similar items and calculate the weighted rating according to each item's similarity
  4. select top n new items for this user

user-based or item-based?

  • item-based method needs to maintain the item similarity table
  • for sparse dataset, item-based method is better
  • for dense dataset, both methods have the similar performance

Awk Basics

2019-02-17 01:40:29
  • Get absolute value
  1. awk '{printf("%d",sqrt($1*$1))}' test.csv
  • User defined function
  1. echo "4 105" | awk 'function max(a,b){return a>b?a:b}{print max($1, $2)}'