Guangning Yu's Blog
Logistic Regression
2019-02-17 01:40:32
![enter image description here](/api/file/getImage?fileId=5bf4cd67afa56b594a00001a) ![enter image description here](/api/file/getImage?fileId=5bf4cd6aafa56b594a00001b) ```Python #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib2 from numpy import mat, ones, shape, exp, array, arange import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def createDataSet(): features = [] labels = [] lines = urllib2.urlopen('').readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip().split() features.append([1.0, float(line[0]), float(line[1])]) # set x0 to 1.0 labels.append(int(line[2])) return features, labels def sigmoid(value): return 1.0 / (1 + exp(-value)) def gradAscent(features, labels, alpha=0.001, iterations=500): ''' 梯度上升算法: - 批处理算法:每次更新回归系数时都需要遍历整个数据集 ''' featureMatrix = mat(features) labelMatrix = mat(labels).transpose() m, n = shape(featureMatrix) weights = ones((n, 1)) for k in range(iterations): h = sigmoid(featureMatrix*weights) error = (labelMatrix - h) weights += alpha * featureMatrix.transpose() * error # adjust weights return weights def stocGradAscent(features, labels, alpha=0.001): ''' 随机梯度上升算法: - 在线学习算法:一次仅用一个样本点来更新回归系数,可以在新样本到来时对分类器进行增量式更新 - 与梯度上升算法相比,占用更少的计算资源 ''' featureMatrix = mat(features) m, n = shape(featureMatrix) weights = ones((n, 1)) for i in range(m): h = sigmoid(sum(featureMatrix[i]*weights)) # h is a value error = labels[i] - h # error is a value weights += alpha * featureMatrix[i].transpose() * error return weights def plotBestFit(features, labels, weights): recNum = shape(features)[0] xcord0 = [] ycord0 = [] xcord1 = [] ycord1 = [] for i in range(recNum): feature1 = features[i][1] feature2 = features[i][2] if (int(labels[i]) == 0): xcord0.append(feature1) ycord0.append(feature2) else: xcord1.append(feature1) ycord1.append(feature2) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # plot data points ax.scatter(xcord0, ycord0, s=30, c='red', marker='s') ax.scatter(xcord1, ycord1, s=30, c='green') # plot regression x = arange(-3.0, 3.0, 0.1) # Note: # Because: # (1) x axis: x1, y axis: x2 # (2) 0 = w0*x0 + w1*x1 + w2*x2 (0 corresponds to 0.5 in sigmoid function) # (3) x0 = 1.0 # We have: # x2 = -(w0 + w1*x1) / w2 # i.e. y = -(w0 + w1*x) / w2 y = -(weights[0] + weights[1] * x) / weights[2] ax.plot(x, y) if __name__ == '__main__': features, labels = createDataSet() # method 1: gradient ascent weights = gradAscent(features, labels) plotBestFit(features, labels, weights) # method 2: stochastic gradient ascent weights = stocGradAscent(features, labels, 0.01) plotBestFit(features, labels, weights) ```
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